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Competition for enrollment of students in the first year of the academic year 2019/2020

Pursuant to Article 80 of the Law on Higher Education in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (Official Gazette of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton No. 4/12), Article 146 of the University Statute, and the decision of the University Senate No. 101-1602 / 19 and No. 101- 1602-2- / 19, with the consent of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Croatian National Theater, number: 05-03-40-1582-1 / 19 dated 13 June 2019, Džemal Bijedić University in Mostar, announces

for enrollment of students in the first year of the first and second cycle of studies at
University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar in the academic year 2019/2020. years

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering will enroll in the following study programs:


When applying for the competition for enrollment at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, candidates should submit the following documents:


1. application for enrollment in which the direction in which the competition is applied for is precisely indicated (the form can be downloaded from the student service of the faculty or attached to the advertisement);

2. original certificates of completed high school grades and original diploma of Fr.
completed high school in Bosnia and Herzegovina for a period of four years or
appropriate nostrified documents for candidates who have not completed high school in Bosnia and Herzegovina (if the documents are in the process of nostrification, proof of the submitted application for nostrification shall be attached);

3. birth certificate (original or certified copy);

4. certificate of citizenship (original not older than 6 months );

5. payment slip in the amount of 20 KM (purpose: M3201-document processing) to the bank account of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering number: 1610200000291098 and

6. other documents relevant for determining the number of points according to the criteria.

NOTE: After completing the processing of documents and publishing the ranking list on the website i
candidates will be able to enroll in the faculty bulletin board

Incomplete and untimely applications will not be considered.


1. application for enrollment in which the direction in which the competition is applied for is precisely indicated (the form can be downloaded from the student service of the faculty or attached to the advertisement);

2. original diploma on completed first cycle in the appropriate field, ie appropriate nostrified documents;
3. certificate of passed exams or diploma supplement (original);

4. birth certificate;

5. Certificate of citizenship (not older than 6 months)

6. payment slip in the amount of 20 KM (purpose: M3201-document processing) to the bank account of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering number: 1610200000291098 and

7. other documents in accordance with the Rules of study in the second cycle of studies at the University "Džemal Bijedić" in Mostar, published on the website of the University.
Candidates for enrollment in graduate studies, as a rule, must have a minimum average grade of 7.5 (C +) achieved at the undergraduate level, and if they did not achieve the required average grade, they need to submit two recommendations from teachers who were subject teachers at the undergraduate level. study.

NOTE: After completing the processing of documents and publishing the ranking list on the website i
candidates will be able to enroll in the faculty bulletin board

Incomplete and untimely applications will not be considered.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mostar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mostar

Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mostar

Sjeverni logor b.b.
88104 Mostar

E-mail: mf[@]

Find out about enrollment options

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The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Mostar offers the possibility of enrollment in three directions of the first cycle and three directions of the second cycle of studies.

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