How to study at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Mostar?

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Mostar organizes classes according to the Bologna principles in three cycles of studies. The first cycle of studies lasts 3 years in the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits. Enrollment in the first cycle of studies requires the completion of a four-year high school, where the total success is scored during the enrollment, as well as the achieved success in the subject of mathematics and physics. Enrollment in multiple study cycles requires the completion of a previous study cycle with certain prerequisites.
Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mostar
Sjeverni logor b.b.
88104 Mostar
E-mail: mf[@]
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The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Mostar offers the possibility of enrollment in three directions of the first cycle and three directions of the second cycle of studies.